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Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Collection

Every year, Bucks County coordinates multiple, countywide household hazardous waste collections. For all the details, dates and information, please visit Bucks County's Website.

Click here to view the 2022 Household Hazardous Waste Collection schedule.

Disposal of Latex Paint

Let the paint dry in the can. Adding kitty litter or a commercial drying agent will speed up the drying process. When paint is dry, replace lid and double bag the can before putting it in the trash. Leaking paint will damage the trucks and stain our streets.

Electronics Waste Recycling

E-Waste Experts, Bristol, accepts electronics and other materials for recycling. A list of items accepted and hours for drop-off can be found at

Refer to the township channel or township website for Electronic Collection Events.

Disposal of Televisions, Computers, and Old Electronics

Televisions, computers and old electronics may not be put out with your trash. In addition to regularly scheduled old electronics disposal events, there are other options that, although are not sponsored by the County, are suggestions for residents to consider.

For questions, please call the Bucks County Planning Commission at (215) 345-3400.